Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Beware the Ides of March

So...March the 5th marks our official first week in Tanzania. Why not start it with a bang? We woke up with no power. Awesome. The power had at this point been more off than on in the past 4 days. TIA. Anyways, without power, we were unable to make toast or coffee, so we decided to wait until after the change over meeting to eat at the canteen. Big mistake. The meeting lasted for 2 hours. Starving and suffering from caffeine withdraw, Thelma, Ana (a German comrade), and I, went to find what we could eat at the canteen. As we proceeded to checkout, we asked for 2 pancakes. The checkout lady said "you have one, there are no more.) Awesome. So, I ate an andazi (a donut without sugar) and Thelma had a pancake (a glorified crepe). Not 5 minutes later did people start walking our with pancakes galore. Awesome. We then watched a liposarcoma removal and went home for the day.

Later that afternoon, we went out to town. We had lunch at the Kilimanjaro Coffee Lounge. Thelma's burger was under cooked and she didn't eat it. I had chicken burritos. Funny story, their chicken burritos have peanut butter on them. I hate peanut butter. Fortunately, I had bread, fries,and guacamole to fill me up! Thelma had fries, but was later hungry. I finished my meal with a Frappiccino that was very delicious. Thelma had some wonderful vanilla ice cream. We then bought so trinkets and groceries and headed for home. Still no power. awesome.

That night, we went with the Norwegians to IndoItalian and had a great time. This is where we started our video interviews of our house mates. We started with Ingrid #1.

After a fun night out, we returned home. Finally, the power had returned.  We had high hopes that we would have power for at least a day.

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