Thursday, March 15, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

Thelma here...I was told by a little birdie that I need to get my act together and write some entries on this dang thing. So here we go...

Tuesday brought another bunch of good times and lots of laughs.  Louise and I started the day off right this time.  Got up at 6:15 to make sure we made it early to the morning meeting.  We got seats!  The female intern who gave the morning hand off report was fantastic.  Straight to the point.  Therefore, we made it out of the meeting at 8:30.  What to do you ask?  Go home of course!  We spent a lazy day in, until Siri and Ingrid #1 texted us to meet them at Kili Coffee Lounge and then to go and get our paintings.  This is where I had to learn some patience.  We waited for our drinks, waited for our food, waited for our dessert, and really waited for our bill.  I got a bit restless there at the end.  We finally got done (2 hrs later) and walked over to the painting studio to find our instructor, Sace, had gone home for the day.  So, a trip solely to pick up paintings ended without the paintings.  Lovely.

So far Wednesday has made me learn patience...kind of.  Louise and I started the day off right again today, making it out of the house by 7:00 to get the the meeting early for seats.  Well - halfway on the walk Louise says "uh oh."  He got the immediate doomed feeling of having to run to the toilet.  Lovely.  So we continue to walk (at a very brisk pace) to the hospital so that he can make his way to the only western toilet on the compound.  He went to the bathroom and I went to the room to get some seats.  15 minutes later he rushes through the door and sits down next to me.  I asked how it went, and he eventually replied that there wasn't any toilet paper in the bathroom.  If you want to know more details...I suggest you ask him at your own risk.  Oh hell.  He told me to just say cap and mask.  Desperate times call for desperate measures...and quick thinking.  Needless to say, after the meeting we went to the shop at the hospital and bought a roll of toilet paper to keep in our bag.  After that we headed back up to the operating room around 9:00.  We met the resident, talked about the upcoming surgery, and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  10:00 came and I decided to wander around and force our friend Anna to come to surgery with us.  So, we waited and waited again.  10:30 came and we finally got a patient in the room!  Yeah, no.  No blood.  No surgeon yet.   11:15 comes and they still haven't started.  By this time I am getting quite annoyed, and Louise and I looked at each other, walked out of the room, and never went back.

Afternoon came around and we went into town to have coffee and get our paintings.  We then went to the supermarket and were followed around the store by a child who told us he was hungry.  Ingrid broke down and bought him some muffins and I gave him some money.  Probably was a lie, but I can't turn away from a child.

The entire house went out to eat at El Rancho for dinner.  You may think that this is a mexican or southwestern restaurant.  Wrong!  It is Indian of all things.  And boy was it delicious.  We all had a great time over 5 bottles of wine for 8 people.  This is when Siri, Marte, and I came up with the most brilliant idea for St. Patrick's day!  We decided to have matching green Kanga's (african dresses) made for us all to wear out on Saturday.  This will be the first St. Patty's day that the girls have ever celebrated.

After dinner, we all came home, talked, and drank 4 more bottles of wine.  Delicious.

Thursday has been a great day.  Louise was hungover and his colon still wasn't being very nice, so we decided to skip work today.  Such a great decision.  We made pancakes and french toast for everyone.  It was a bit of a sad morning, however, because Ingrid 1 and Ingrid 2 left us to head to Pangani - but we will all be reunited in Tanga on Monday.

The afternoon consisted of heading to town to buy our Kangas!  We got the material and the lady in the street is currently making our dresses.  Surprise though...Louise decided to have an African shirt and 3/4 length pants made in the same fabric.  We are going to look AMAZING!  Can't wait!

So tonight we are planning on having a relaxing night in, eating Panda Chinese, and having a great time.

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome, thanks for finally contributing! I will never look at a cap and mask the same again. And PLEASE post pictures of the green-ness, maybe you could even take a trick from me and shave shamrocks into Louise's head! Good luck tomorrow (only 23 hours until I find out if I'm going to AK).
