Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend: Sun Burns, Patty Melts, Pocahontas, & The Nile!

So we started off our second weekend in Moshi with a bang! We went to lecture Friday morning and called it a day at about 9 AM. The meeting was poorly attended. There is not much going on at the hospital right now because apparently the interns and resident physicians throughout the country are on strike. I don't blame them for wanting more money and better conditions. Anyways, we took the opportunity to relax and headed for the Impala Hotel for swimming and tanning. Funny story, the pool was looking a little on the green side, but it was so hot that we were desperate for relief. Awesome. Thelma and I, being as pale as we are, made sure to slop on the SPF 30 liberally. However, our efforts for protection fell short. Apparently we are going to burn no matter what we do in this life sized tanning salon. The sun here is so hot and direct, that we are both quite crispy. Awesome. We weren't so bad compared to the Swedes that were apparently vacationing at the Impala. The lot of them were all burned in some way, but there was this one lady who was turning purple she was burnt so bad. To our surprise, they just kept on tanning any how! The Ingrid 1 and Martine, also at the Impala, told us that many Scandinavians get burnt on trips because they don't know how to handle the sun. We still quiver thinking about how much pain that one lady must be in still even now. Also while we were there, a Swedish man was sun bathing. He was also burnt, but only in the places that weren't covered with his shirt, shorts, towel, and hat. Yes! He was fully clothed and covered. He is gonna have the best tan lines ever!!  Too top it all off, the biggest of the Swedes did a canon ball into the pool. Gallons of water rushed over the edge of the entire pool as she displaced so much water at one time. It was hilarious.

Friday afternoon, we lazed around the house and planned the nights events. Thelma and I joined Ingrid 1 for a relaxing dinner at IndoItalian.  It was still very warm that afternoon and evening, so no surprise that Thelma and I were sweating even late that evening. There was an interesting situation though. While at dinner, a man and two boys sat down at a table close to ours. He is a white man from Europe, his accent to me sounded like it was from Great Britain. Anyways, he was playing games on phones with these two African boys, maybe ages 9 and 11. We have seen this man at the Kilimanjaro Lounge as well, but there he is usually with a young African woman. We are not sure what he is doing, but his behaviors seem a little odd. He seems to me like on of those pedophiles captured on police surveillance back home. We can't be sure, but its definitely creepy. After our relaxing, very warm evening meal, we returned home. The night we ended up going to Glaciers where we met many of our KCMC friends.

Saturday was an uneventful day, although it was nice to have power for the entire day. Thelma and I spent most of the day laying in bed and lubing each other up with aloe gel. Yes...our sun burns had bloomed into there full glory by Saturday afternoon. I hate sun burns.  Anyways, we decided that we would make patty melts and fries for the Ingrids, Sunniva, and our selves. We also made another batch of our delicious African Snickerdoodles. In order to prepare dinner, we made a trip to Woodland market. We bought a list of things including "ground beef." We are still not exactly sure what it is/was, but it worked well. The dinner was a success after about 4 arduous hours of cooking. We stuffed our faces accordingly. The rest of the night was spent fulfilling my promise to Sunniva. A disney movie night together. So we enjoyed and sang the songs of Pocahontas together.

Sunday was again another lazy day although one of the hottest days we have had here yet. Thelma and I both read on our Kindles and lathered each other with aloe gel periodically. We made note of the heat by saying "I'M HOTT!!!" at least 10o times each. Despite the suffocating heat, we took a leap of faith and made personal pizzas with chipati, a flat, tortilla like bread here in Africa. It was a success. They were delicious. If  by now no one sees a theme, Thelma and I live for food and delightfully stuff our faces at every opportunity. :-)

Sunday night was one of the most exciting nights yet...with the exception of maybe Thursday night when Ingrid 1 thought that a bug was after her. She screamed in Norwegian and bounced around the porch like a terrified gazelle. It was quite hilarious as Martine kept instigating her terrified state, telling her there was a bug on her when there wasn't. Anyways, Sunday night we were all relaxing on the porch when Ingrid 1 (see a pattern) went inside and screamed in Norwegian again as she found part of our living room, entire hallway and most of Martine and Ingrid 2's room flooded. Yes...Flooded. Awesome. Somehow, the sink in the half bath had been left on. It flowed like the Nile all through the house while we naively sat on the porch. We spent the next 30 mins using our extra towels to soak up the water, wringing them out in the tub. It was real fun as anyone can imagine. We made light of the situation and laughed as we worked.

Ingrid 1, Siri, Martine, & Thelma at
Kilimanjaro Coffee Lounge
Sign outside the lounge
Street just down from the lounge

Street Corner

Kili Supermarket  with the girls
Dulla Dulla Station

Flooded Hallway

Ingrid 2 and Martine's flooded room

Flooded hall
Slightly less flooded hall

Bathroom flooded after the
wringing of the towels.

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