Sunday, May 6th was visa run day because as a US
tourist we only get 30 days for a visa. We were going to be in the country for
an extra 7 days, so off to the border for us. To start, it was pouring rain.
This fact was really annoying because we had to walk to main road for our pick
up. Awesome. So..we got up, walked to 7 Eleven for snacks and such and then
waited for the van to pick us up. It finally arrived and we had to make a
couple more stops for a few others to join us. In total there were nine of us
including 3 girls from I believe Hong Kong. There was another grumpy old man
from the UK who not very friendly when he joined us. Anyhow, we started our
journey north to Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.
Our first stop was a Thai version of a truck stop. It had a
bunch of open markets and restaurants. Its only worth mentioning because there
was randomly a hot spring with a geyser in the parking lot. Yea…totally random,
but it was neat to see no less. We finally got everyone back on board and we
headed for the border.
When we arrived, we headed for the passport control having
no idea what we were doing and we were a hot mess. We got our passports stamped
by Thailand and crossed into the nowhere border zone. We were in neither country
and had no clue as to what to do. There were people of all race and nationality
going in every which direction. We tried to go back in to Thailand, and they
told us that we had to go to the Myanmar border patrol first. So…across the
bridge we went. It was really sketch. We walked into this room. There an
officer at the door that took our money and gave us some forms. Then, we turned
to our left where there were 2 other officers working on computers. They took
our info filled everything out and then instructed us to go back to the first
one. This is all occurring in a tiny room filled with all sorts of people
speaking all sorts of languages. Then, we returned to the first officer who
asked us if we were shopping or just leaving. We said leaving and they stamped
our passports and sent us out the door. The whole process was a complete
cluster. We were grateful to pass back into Thailand unscathed.
Then, we were to rendezvous with the group at 7 Eleven. Well,
we managed to do so as did everyone else except the 3 girls from Hong Kong.
They were 30 minutes late. It was ridiculous. Either way, we ended up back in
Chiang Mai by about 5. It was an all day rainy adventure.
Exhausted and not really wanting to go out, we decided to
eat at the hotel. No big deal right? Of course, with us, everything becomes a
ordeal. So we go down to the restaurant and order our dinner. It is an open air lobby and restaurant. Completely normal for the area and the entire country really. Well, it had been raining all day and when it rains...especially the first few times of the year...the insects take over. By the time we finished our meal, there were thousands of bugs swarming the whole place. They flew into our faces, our food, our drinks...they even got stuck to our forks. It was ridiculous. Not only that, but there is one insect in particular that we had met in Africa too. It is super stupid and flies around like crazy but gets stuck and losses its wings at the slightest stress. They were swarming in the high numbers. It was just plain awful. We hurried to our room, cranked up the A/C, and stuffed our towels around the doors. We were not in the mood to deal with those dumb bugs in our room.
A fountain of my friends Krista Farthing and Wayne Stanley |
Krista |
Wayne |
Our room at Sukulchai Place, Chiang Mai |
Our bathroom |
The hotel restaurant |
The lobby. |
A crazy store. The Pink Pussy. |
Its all in the name. |
Night Bizarre |
Random hot spring and geyser. |
The border crossing. |
It was rainy and Thelma was cold, so she used the poncho as a blanket. Desperate times. |
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