Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Moshi - We're Gonna Miss you...Kind Of

Thelma here...

Tuesday evening was pretty annoying actually.  I still couldn't see for crap, and we found out at 6:40 that the Germans (Esther and Benny) invited people over for dinner at 7.  Great.  More or less a - 'get out of the house' type of statement.  So off to El Rancho we went!  El Rancho took 3 hours as usual, then we came home.  We hop out of the taxi to be "welcomed" into our own home by 2 African resident doctors.  Lovely.  We then walked into our living room to find over 20 random people making all kinds of noise and a kitchen that looked like a war zone.  Lovely.  You see - the Germans have not once done their own dishes.  Not once.  Louise and I woke up every morning to a dirty ass kitchen.  Every morning.  And every morning Louise took his precious waking up time to wash their dishes so that he could have his life blood, better known to the masses as coffee.  Anyways, Louise and I looked at that kitchen in absolute horror because we knew that we were the ones that would have to clean it.  Lovely.  We gave them an intense glare and went to bed.

Wednesday morning came and the kitchen was still a hott mess.  Urgh.  This time though - we were running late to rush off to get our evaluations from Dr. Kondo so we said hell-to-the-no to dishes.  We got to the morning meeting, Dr. Kondo came in late as usual - but he wasn't carrying our evals.  Lovely.  We finish the meeting and he says he will meet us in the surgery area after his other meeting.  Great.  Here we go again.  So Louise and I had to run back home to get some scrubs, then run back up to surgery so we wouldn't miss him.  Then we stayed in surgery waiting and waiting for him to come.  He never came.  Of course.  So - no eval.  Lovely.  A full day of "work" for nothing.  Boy - we sure have gotten lazy.  When we got home, the kitchen was still a hott mess.  Lovely.  We said no to that once again!  We ran into town to pick up our Kangas, got some coffee, and then came home.  Still dirty dishes, and the Germans were off to a house party at another student house in the compound.  Great.  Bed time.

Thursday the Germans left for good.  But wait - did they do the dishes?  NO!  Louise almost had a heart attack.  We had to run up to the hospital in the morning, so we didn't have time to do them.  We got our evals and came back to the house fully prepared to clean.  Thing was - that Severina, our house lady, did them for us.  It is NOT her job.  I felt so bad that she felt she had to do them.  Anyways, the rest of the day went by without a hitch, and we worked on cleaning out the kitchen and packing for our big move to Thailand!!!!

Moral of this story - Germans are dirty and boring...

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