Monday, April 9, 2012

Reunions and Goodbyes

Thelma Here...

Sunday Louise and I bumbled around town, went grocery shopping, and then watched Alice in Wonderland with Sam.  During all of this, Siri and Marte were making their way from Dar es Salaam to Moshi via bus.  An 11 hour bus that is hot as hell.  Therefore, when they got into Moshi, they showered and went straight to bed.

On Monday, Louise and I hit up the morning meeting at the hospital to get our faces seen, then came back to B1 to wait for the girls to come and drop off their laundry.  We then went to Impala to sun bathe - gotta keep up this Zanzibar tan!  Afterwards, we went to their hotel, Uhuru, and drank wine on the balcony.  We then went to a very nice dinner at Indoitaliano.  It was amazing to see those girls again - finally felt like "home" again in Moshi.  :)

On Tuesday, Louise and I went in a bit late, watched a few surgeries, then came home.  The girls came by to pick up their laundry, and then we went over to their hotel to drink wine on the balcony again.  We went for dinner at Salzburger steakhouse (delicious!) and then went to Kool Bar to have a drink.  The girls were leaving at 1:30pm on Wednesday, so we planned on meeting them for lunch the following day to see them off.

Wednesday came, and we decided to take a "study day" from the hospital.  This more or less meant a day in town!  Sam, Louise, and I hopped in a cab and away we went.  Our first stop was to go and get another dress and pant combo made out of a Kanga (the design on the Kanga will be a surprise...)  We run around town, buying souvenirs, and I get a phone call from Marte saying that the bus was full.  Lovely.  So, making the best of it, they got tickets to head to Nairobi for Thursday at 6am.  This was secretly great news for us, because we got one more day with them!  :D

We met up with the girls at Kilimanjaro Coffee Lounge, then Louise and Sam split up and went shopping for some Obama underwear, while the girls and I skirted around town buying more useless items.  That night we went to Leopard hotel - where Nick and I got a "kilimanjaro pizza."  This means a calzone in the shape and size of Mount Kilimanjaro!!!  (picture attached...)  So we finally got to the part of the day that I had been dreading.  Saying goodbye/see-you-in-a-year to the girls.  I tried my best, but I may or may not have cried like a little baby.  Lovely.  Was really hoping to NOT do that.

Right now I am still quite bummed that the girls are gone, but I know that we will see them soon when we go and visit Norway.  ...If you ladies are reading this...WE MISS YOU!!!

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